Some have thought it a pleasant experience, to yield to gravity, let loose in the universe without chains.
Therefore did we draw lots, the winner to go to the arena, the loser to become a slave without visible chains.
Most communities were without power, and nothing without chains on its wheels was moving.
They were working up to a way to control him without chains.
Only a flatlander would have braked so hard in the first place, coming down a slick mountain road without chains.
In order to belong we must share the concerns of people, and without chains we can't.
With that much money, you're close to having the boat and a life without chains.
A group of prisoners working outside prison walls under close supervision, but without chains, is a work gang.
That Raleigh 10-speed is now a no-speed, without its handlebars and chains.
A totally ordered set without infinite descending chains is called well-ordered.