On a sparsely settled planet without good defenses, such teams could even take control of the entire world.
The strategy was time tested and utterly perfect against planets without missiles or other defenses of their own.
However, the unit tried to hold out against an army far superior without trenches or defenses.
It will be a town without defenses, so falling back would just mean the slaughter of innocents.
Class Five fighters never travel alone and we can't afford to meet their escort without defenses.
It was set in the middle of the checkerboard fields, and was without defenses.
But ten-to-one odds was a little much without prepared defenses.
While I know you have experience fighting them, that was without fixed defenses.
Starfleet had not left her without last defenses, though it seemed like years since she'd even thought about the issue.
He wanted Elena to see him without defenses, without walls.