Now without patronage, he was briefly imprisoned for debt and died in poverty at the age of thirty-six.
As it was too early this day for any decent citizen to be imbibing, the tavern was without patronage.
They are what the Japanese call mingei, folk art of the people, un-self-conscious and created without patronage.
Without traditional patronage, they could not afford to build.
Without credentials or patronage, she was always making discoveries for which others would take credit.
Without royal patronage, they had no resources to repair the Tamreswari and other temples of the region that were damaged in natural calamities like earthquakes.
With the fall of Napoleon's dynasty, he found himself essentially stranded in Rome without patronage.
Without private patronage the ACE cuts are helping to make sure they won't be around to be small much longer!
Compassion without patronage, but without compromise - how to achieve it?
How disadvantaged is a late bloomer without patronage?