In others, the merit badge's name has been changed, with or without significant revision to the badge's requirements.
But without careful revision, news of the failure would eventually percolate out to them.
The Governor must pass the judiciary budget along to the Legislature without revision.
There was only reality, unique and different in every moment, to be lived without rehearsal and without revision.
In this conversation Gottlieb re-iterated that he would not accept the novel without further revision.
We will follow the route of Yannas' formula, without revision.
It is a Capraesque speech dropped whole, without modern revision, into a 1980's film.
It is not suitable for extended use beyond three years, without modification and revision.
After the plan was announced, it appeared that its completion on schedule and without major revision would be a major sign of stability.
Current laws expire on May 14 and the Legislature is expected to renew them without major revision.