Without software, the hardware can not be used.
The average selling price for one unit was US$2,370 without software, and $3,000 with software.
Where would the computer industry be without software (a service industry)?
Virtualization services were automatically deployed on supported hardware without additional software.
But a computer, no matter how advanced, is nothing more than a big, dumb pile of chips without software to run on it.
Without interoperable software, these computers wouldn't be able to work together because of their different operating systems and architecture.
What lies before us, a hundred sixty miles under the ground, and all that extends to the planet's core, is essentially a computer without software.
And though a second laptop arrived recently, it came without software, so Robert still cannot use it.
Both versions can run 32-bit legacy applications without any performance penalty as well as new 64-bit software.
The process of migration grows more complicated when the information that is transferred cannot be retrieved or used without specific software.