However without tanks and infantry working together, problems can arise.
To prevent a complete debacle, I launched an attack with my combat group, though without tanks, in the late afternoon.
Without tanks or artillery the 48th was stopped cold.
No, we can do without new tanks for three or four years.
The narrow-tube construction, without any large-diameter drums or tanks, means that they are safe from the effects of explosion, even if worked at high pressures.
Only then can they be cited for living in a structure without adequate septic tanks or sewage systems.
But thank God this one is without tanks.
The American military, built to fight nations and armies, now faces stateless enemies without jets, tanks, ships or central headquarters.
Was it obstinance to try for five years to lead what the Hibernians say is the world's largest parade without tanks?
The U.S. infantry attempted to advance but, without tanks, they were beaten back.