The Syrian army reportedly engaged in battle with some army defectors, some witnesses who spoke to international press asserted, and conducted house-by-house arrests.
The witnesses asserted that after this heated encounter, cattle mutilations in the region ceased for about five years.
The witnesses asserted that such abuses could spread AIDS among military people, with potentially devastating effects.
More than 100 witnesses have fled the country or asserted their Fifth Amendment right against compelled self-incrimination.
Few Could Have Remained The witnesses do not definitely assert that nobody was killed in the center of the square.
You recall Judge Starr testified that in a grand jury, a witness can either tell the truth, lie, or assert his privilege against self-incrimination.
A witness in Chillán asserted that he had been robbed by prisoners with a machine gun who had also forced his girlfriend to kiss them.
Perhaps most intriguingly, the witnesses asserted that the object had what appeared to be two rows of rectangular "windows."
"I trusted her," the silver-haired witness asserted, pointing his finger accusingly at Ms. Myerson.
"Surely the witness isn't asserting the equal citizenship of golden plows."