Also, the witnesses who were living in Coclesito complained that investigators didn't take in consideration their accounts about the crash and were not included in the official report.
Often the witness complains of soreness in the eyes, which become reddened and swollen.
Time and again, the witnesses complained about the way confidentiality prohibited different branches of government from sharing information concerning children at risk.
When the witness complained of being "badgered" in cross-examination, he was rebuked by the judge, who exclaimed, "Don't be a baby - stop it!"
By the time Kramer hung up, the three shackled witnesses were clattering and complaining again.
The witnesses complained that the Yugoslav Army was late in arriving, but all agreed that the military subsequently played a constructive role in protecting the Croats.
The discussion remained respectful today, even as witnesses expressed contempt for some evidence and committee Republicans complained of semantic games.
When the lawyer persisted in suggesting that Mr. Rickman committed perjury, the witness complained, "I am being badgered here over and over."
In addition, several witnesses complained that the police handcuffed Mr. Cedeno as he lay bleeding on the street, waiting for an ambulance.
Some witnesses complained of persistent harassment at the shrine by Jewish settlers, and by Dr. Goldstein in particular.