A witness evidential indicates that the information source was obtained through direct observation by the speaker.
However, one witness to the body's discovery indicated that he was only scalped and his head remained attached to his body.
One anonymous law enforcement officer, witnesses, and several local newspapers indicated that over 100 were killed in Matamoros.
Some witnesses have indicated that they'll take the Fifth Amendment.
"The record will reflect that the witness indicated the defense attorney," says Radovich.
A witness has indicated that Gardner returned to the park subsequent to King's disappearance.
In some cases, however, witnesses indicated that missiles had been fired from the ground.
The witness looks at him but doesn't indicate one way or the other whether or not she accepts his instruction.
However, a witness who said he knew the shooter indicated that Lane knew several of the victims.
The military would only say it was investigating the Friday crash, but witnesses indicated that the militants were clearly waiting to ambush passing helicopters.