Each witness recounts his version of the murder, and there is a scene acting out that testimony.
One witness recounts seeing Chinese tanks early on June 4 crushing vehicles and people, just one day before this man took his stand in front of this tank column.
A witness recounted how three brothers - one merely a child and the others in their teens - were taken out in the night.
The witness recounted: "They were hanging her and she was giving a speech.
So," the witness recounts, "Stoltenberg says, 'I think the I.M.F. is being much too cautious.
Military witnesses recounted different stories about the creature that survived and tried to run.
As one witness recounted, "How many ways can a guy drop his pants?
The small thatched hut where the body lay was stiflingly hot, the witnesses recounted, the air sharp with the smell of formaldehyde, a preservative.
Other witnesses have recounted recently that when the fighting got rough, French soldiers themselves fired artillery made in France.