"We don't want you to die," one of the book's wittier characters says, "because we don't have a freezer."
There is no romantic interest, there are no witty characters, and the plot keeps subverting itself through what Hasek called "anabasis."
Jim McDougal was a character: charming, witty and eccentric as the day is long.
It consists of cycles, relating a vast repertoire of stories based on vulgar but intelligent and witty character named Jha.
Calvin is a likable character, witty and intelligent, who wants to do the right thing.
Sextus appeared to have a witty character and to be very intelligent.
Even in its less intense moments, "Sports Night" relies on witty characters rather than jokey punch lines.
For a dictator, he is a poignant and witty character who holds some sympathy for the audience despite his obsession with money and power.
I've always been disappointed he didn't build on his Blackadder persona and create more intelligent, witty characters.
Electronic Gaming Monthly praised the game's "great story and witty characters", adding that "the all-important, usually absent ingredient is there: fun".