Those films, finished shortly before his untimely death, retain the assured and witty performances typical of his work.
Reagan's genial, witty performance causes him to overtake Carter in the polls.
And Brokaw elicits breezy, witty performances from his players, who could hardly be better suited to their roles.
The good news is that his meticulous, witty performance offers a polished, likable gloss on a classic comic figure.
The collection concludes with a witty performance of the Poulenc, with a chamber ensemble drawn from the orchestra's ranks accompanying the singer.
So Mr. Grammer's graceful and witty performance really should not have been a surprise.
She turns in a witty, charming performance here.
Mr. Depp isn't best known as a comic actor, but he gives a witty and captivating performance, bringing wonderful buoyancy to this crazy role.
His performance here, witty and profane, vulnerable and strutting, nearly holds the movie together.
But their witty performance depends on the soloist's own attitude to the fun.