He now writes exquisite, heartfelt and witty pieces for this newspaper.
It has been called one of "the wittiest and most clever pieces in the orchestral repertoire".
The other songs on the album were written by Bryant who Greier says writes "witty and insane" pieces.
Ms. Selekman uses open purses to make witty, punning pieces about both male and female anatomy.
He is not only a bright, witty, cagy piece of work.
These charming, witty pieces are a treasure to be savored by art song enthusiasts.
But all is forgiven after this witty and wise piece.
The performers made the piece still wittier by being thoroughly comfortable even in its most technically knotty passages.
"Sometimes you're just grateful an actor brought in a witty piece."
The witty piece satirised everything from contemporary politics to grand opera conventions.