But it gave way to a witty scene in which, after embracing passionately, they made pseudo-intellectual comments about their affair.
Compare these witty but emotionally static scenes with the long, 15-minute sequence in which Scottie trails the woman alleged to be Madeleine.
These unexplored, hinted-at tensions blossom in the movie's best and wittiest scene, a spat that erupts after seven hours of treading water.
He has the wittiest scene in tonight's episode, when he walks into a country music bar.
But during the lulls between witty scenes, there is always something amusing to look at.
In the movie's wittiest scene, he becomes a neighborhood hero by applying military strategy to the local produce vendors.
They are somewhat melancholy in tone, but interspersed with bright and witty scenes.
That smart, witty scene has almost nothing to do with the rest of the film.
John Cleese has the wittiest scenes in his brief role as a sheriff.
It's a very witty scene and a dangerous one, because it strikes so close to the truth.