The other was a little wizened creature, whose eyes were sharp as gimlets and whose pasty lips wore a fixed grin.
The last spasm ceased, and the wizened creature stared at his visitor.
The old man was a wizened creature.
On the edge of the bed sat a wizened creature with big ears.
Looking at that wizened creature, with its eyes turned up to gaze on the burning Madonna, I knew the picture was a portrait of Jacqueline.
It was good to keep that in mind when looking at the wizened old creature behind the desk.
Guy makes as if to hoist the trunk on to his shoulder when a wizened creature hobbling on a cane approaches us.
Gurgeh stopped, looking down at the wizened old creature on the far side of the table.
They stared at me as though I had two heads, then after a moment, one of the men, a wizened creature with a thin mouth, had shaken his head the barest inch.
The wizened creature on Hiram's back quivered in a way that reminded her of Ezili's movements.