There was desperate urgency in his gait and the fear of death in his small wizened features.
Leeds' wizened features made him a distinctive presence.
Her wizened old features crinkled in sly amusement.
His wizened features seemed wistful and sad and hopeful all at once.
His wizened features twisted back into the snarl that had so characterized his time as General.
The man was there--a half-naked giant with the wizened features of a deaf mute.
Then Cliff's face showed puzzlement when he observed an odd squint of Hawkeye's wizened features.
At the advanced age of 71, Charles Bronson's wizened features are returning to the big screen.
The next scene was simple, that of the death-bed of this same king--we knew him by his wizened features.
Charlene screwed up her wizened features in disgust.