She turned sideways, throwing Chris an appealing, woebegone look.
Emily had a woebegone look on her face which she made a determined effort to banish when Sara approached her.
A woebegone look crossed Tomas's face.
"I had a dog that would beg at the table with that same woebegone look."
"It appears," says my uncle with a woebegone look, "that we must go higher."
At Myral's woebegone look, another round of laughter filled the chamber.
She stared back at it with a look too woebegone to forget, then stumbled and fell.
He smiled at the woebegone look on her face.
I-" She brought a faintly woebegone look to her face, with little effort required.
He was staring at me now, a wounded, woebegone look in his eyes that was on the verge of becoming panic.