The Colemans went to Africa and saw the woeful state of the roads.
To improve the woeful state of American health, an important step would be more sidewalks and more public transportation.
"Well, then, wee Becca, see if ye can do something about the woeful state of my shirt this evening, aye?"
A chimpanzee has a paw over its brow, as if in despair over the woeful state of the world.
But the Yankees were intriguing to Anderson because the woeful state of their starting rotation offers him the chance to make an immediate impact.
Perhaps the Knicks' lead should have been double that, given the woeful state of the Jazz.
You were in a woeful state when you got here.
We need to enhance the woeful state of private pensions, not destroy public pensions.
Women who are neither are frequently in a woeful economic state.
After news of the woeful state of the collection became public, the director of the society resigned.