The woeful tale of her marriage had never been revealed even to her parents.
Blurt out her woeful tale as if she were looking for sympathy?
Now the emptied tower provides both a woeful tale and an admonition.
One spoke through tears, weaving a woeful tale of how her husband was shot while driving a cab.
Listening to the woeful tales is a group of volunteers who have established a hot line for the aged, which they call the Silver Line.
This would be the happy outcome of a woeful tale.
But on a woeful tale one cannot always hang talent or, indeed, much of more than passing prurient interest.
Today, you'll have the gift returned, with woeful tales of dysfunction.
Hearing this woeful tale from the coach, one's heart indeed bleeds a bit.
But during Alake's long retelling of their woeful tale, the elf maid had relaxed, forgotten herself.