The wolves circled and paced, whining.
The wolves circled restlessly, their glowing yellow eyes fixed on the driver's door.
No wolf ranged ahead of me to see if the road was clear nor circled back to see if we were followed.
The wolves circled, darting in to snap at legs and leap quickly away.
The wolves circled the old buck, wary of hooves and horns.
The wolves circled uncertainly, occasionally glancing at Gavin.
She could not shake the image of her little girl growing into a woman in a trailer with no way to escape while the young wolves circled.
Now the wolves of the Tabitha Oasis were circling the camp-fire, enjoying her elaborate seduction.
Varamyr sat crosslegged on the half-frozen ground, his wolves circled restlessly around him.
Where people had gone, wolves circled back, urging their friends to hurry.