Several other wolves fed noisily nearby.
The wolf was feeding when the hunter of that loll made a swift answer to such brazen theft.
Although wolves primarily feed on medium to large sized ungulates, they are not fussy eaters.
Digestion only takes a few hours, thus wolves can feed several times in one day, making quick use of large quantities of meat.
Tapeworms are commonly found in wolves, as their primary hosts are ungulates, small mammals, and fish, which wolves feed upon.
Arabian wolves also feed on hares, rodents, ungulates, and any carrion they can find.
When we came up, three wolves were feeding on the fragments.
During the War period, the number of cattle and dogs which the wolves usually fed upon in Kirov diminished.
State wildlife management officials were also given greater flexibility in controlling wolf populations to maintain the deer and elk herds upon which wolves often feed.
The wolves have been feeding.