The older wolf was lying on the sofa, eyes closed and breathing even, but he could feel the tension in her.
When they returned to the house, the wolf, for some reason, was lying on a table unconscious.
With the black wolf still lying less than ten feet away, I stretched out and fell asleep.
The player can choose whether to stay on the path or to wander, where wolves are lying in wait.
And the black wolf, its tongue hanging out, lies dead and conquered to one side.
It might be nice having a big gray wolf lying before the fire.
It was soon over, several wolves lying dead on the ground, the others gone from sight.
Her voice was not entirely steady, but the fact that the wolves were just lying there seemed to give her heart.
So he went into the room, and when he came to the bed, he saw that the wolf was lying in it.
However, the wolf is lying nearby with the fox, and, overhearing it, promises to make him stay true to his word.