The wolves circled and paced, whining.
The wolves did not immediately leave the pen, but paced against its back wall.
In a pen, a gray wolf paced, her gait fluid and lovely (she'll eat the chickens if she's not watched, Mr. Ross said).
Over the battlement of the castle paces a golden wolf with a blue tongue.
Around her, the wolf paced like a lepa over its brood, the baleful glare spearing first one, then another of those who still lived.
The wolf paced closer to the surface again, agitated.
The wolves paced slowly forward, purposeful and businesslike.
The wolf paced forward slowly, step by cautious step, until less than two feet separated him from the little dog.
"The evidence-" "Why, sure-" The wolf paced forward swiftly, lowered his head.
Behind us, the wolf paced slowly, his head hanging.