The woman then aborted spontaneously, and the nun who assisted at this grotesque delivery came away from the experience with blood on her hands.
It was of no interest to her, despite living in a society (and a family) where women aborted unwanted pregnancies.
Most women will probably abort rather than take the risk.
The woman had spontaneously aborted after a six-hour trip down the mountains on the back of a donkey.
Most women who undertake the regimen abort the fetus within 24 hours after taking misopristol, although the method fails in about 4 percent of patients.
Most women who choose to be tested for Down's syndrome abort the fetus if the test is positive.
The imams also let families know that under Islam a woman can abort a fetus up to four months for health reasons.
The bill allows women to abort themselves but they cannot have a medical doctor do it.
In one case, a woman aborted a normal fetus.
That a woman would "abort" a healthy child, take an innocent young life, horrified me, al- though it happened frequently enough back then.