Due to the significantly greater male population, women often had their choice of partner and arranged marriages were infrequent.
While the woman was arranging the blue robe around her daughter's body, I checked my mother's splint.
Two women can arrange these things so much better.
But when a man and a woman have arranged to be together, the pillows' soft faces wait confidently for what is their due.
Now the two women arrange meetings with town officials to voice their needs.
The most beautiful woman in the world had just arranged to meet him instead of the football thud.
He goes on to explain that women often arrange for delivery of products they do not even remember ordering.
The women had arranged themselves on the north side of the circle and the men on the south.
The women had arranged themselves as a human wall behind which other women waited.
The single women arranged their hair into two tresses that become a tuft when they are married.