Yolanda: an elderly, hypochondriac woman psychologically attached to her wheelchair.
There they were, already dwindling in the dis-tance-two broomsticks, with women attached.
The grown woman attached to it comes to mind.
By and large, the new plays squeeze through the nonprofit route with a slim chance of a woman attached to direct.
Walker's initial report was that 884 soldiers perished; later reports revised this number down to 740, including women attached to some of the units.
She seemed a simple woman, deeply attached to her home, and yet, for some reason or other, Frankie fancied that she was not quite happy.
"You want me to tell the media that a woman attached to a police squad is being charged with murder?"
The woman, attached to an IV, was floating on her mattress.
Searching for a way out, she discovers other captured human women, attached to machines.
She is one of only about 20 women attached to the battalion, but there are dozens of other soldiers with children back home.