When Indonesia expanded family planning in 1974, women were averaging more than 5 children each; by 1987 the rate had plunged to 3.3.
In the mid-1960's, Latin American women averaged more than 6 children.
American women reported six partners on average, while French women averaged four.
The average for an advanced degree was $72,824 with men averaging $90,761 and women averaging $50,756 annually.
The women averaged from ten to eleven feet in height.
As of the 1990s, both urban and rural women were averaging fewer children than previously.
Last season, the women averaged about 1,700 per game, the men about 6,000.
An interactive television program at the labor display points out that modern women still average only 60 percent of the wages of men.
For those with 10 to 20 years of experience, women averaged 76 percent as much as men, or $68,466 to the men's $90,574.
The women are averaging 953 fans a game.