At the Spring Street stop, a tall, striking woman of about 40 boarded and sat down directly across from the family.
After the short woman and I boarded the train, we were happy to see the two smiling as they exchanged slips of paper.
While they are doing this, the woman, having recovered the cat, has again boarded the train via another door.
A woman carrying a small child and a plastic shopping bag boarded the bus.
A young woman boarded with her six-foot-tall double bass on a single wheel.
Adele could access a rental list from the apartment building where the women boarded.
The women and the dog boarded lifeboat no. 7, which was the first boat prepared.
One day, a woman boarded the train clutching black gloves.
Unsuspectingly the women boarded the minibus, which then drove off.
Just as the group was about to leave, a woman with a clipboard boarded the bus and called out room numbers where robes were missing.