New York's junior senator lives in the public eye, and a prominent woman must conduct herself in certain ways.
A man and a woman were conducting a search.
Perhaps she even offered advice as to how a married woman should conduct herself.
Men and women don't conduct business in the nude in the real world.
This is the first time in the 500-year history of the temple that women have conducted a training period there.
The media are only giving a small sense of the success of the operations these brave men and women are conducting in Afghanistan.
The woman he loves will worry him and conduct herself in a displeasing way toward him.
She has absolutely no values, class, minimum decency to show to the world how a woman should conduct herself.
What makes them fall apart is mutual suspicion and an essentially male vision of how a woman should conduct herself sexually.
No matter how sophisticated we are, it's almost impossible to get away from this primitive perception of how men and women conduct their emotional lives.