But the women deal with only the master of the universe, the human being.
I now had only five men and one woman to deal with, instead of the young army of the night before.
The women deal with the moral dilemma of whether a person's life events are suitable for another to use in their own creative process.
Right now he had one woman to deal with.
One had these hysterical women to deal with and yet there was a limit to the disciplinary action possible.
Clearly, even women who enjoyed a higher social class still dealt with huge inequality within their own communities.
Jen takes off around the globe to see how women from other cultures are dealing with the issue.
This was not, she was discovering, an easy woman to deal with.
It was an interesting idea-Sammy seemed to have lots of ideas about how men and women should deal with one another.
The women deal more frequently with angst and social issues.