Important-looking men, and a few women, most of them in dark overcoats, hurriedly disembarked from the limousines and entered the building's familiar Deco lobby.
The women disembarked in Quebec City, Trois-Rivières, and Montreal.
The woman and her companion had disembarked from the Baghdad-to-Seoul flight in Abu Dhabi.
At a deserted train station somewhere near the end of the line in France, an attractive Armenian woman named Marie disembarks late one night.
The sooner that was accomplished, the sooner their women would disembark.
Once a woman didn't disembark, and I tripped over the chair and fell while trying to stop the lift.
Although some women resembling Dorothy had disembarked, the information proved to be a false lead.
Although many women travelled on the inaugural trains, no women disembarked from the Duke's train at Parkside prior to the accident.
Once the Solarian woman and her two robots disembark in Aurora, the Settler ship will then be able to proceed at will to its own destination.
They discovered a distant and abundant land in 1170 where about one hundred men, women and children disembarked to form a colony.