A woman was distracting me, though I could see only her back and a flash - of a laughing profile.
He thinks not only that dazzling women distract men, softening their brains, but also that they are a symptom of Western decadence.
The woman in blue tickled her hands with one of the feathers, and the little girl let go of the bowl, distracted.
The idea is that the woman will distract the soldiers while the man slashes the tires.
He remembered how that other long-ago woman had become increasingly silent and distracted and gentle in the days before she had dumped him.
A pretty woman, still quite young, does somehow distract a man's mind from his troubles more effectively than most things would.
These two women distracted Joe only to the extent that he was annoyed about their incompetent misidentification of him.
The woman had come into the transmitter hut, distracted him by saying that the cables were short-circuiting, and knocked him out.
He could let neither this woman nor his feelings for her distract him from his goal.
The reasoning behind the Halacha was that a woman and her body would distract men and give them impure thoughts during prayer.