His highly stylized designs of sinuous women draped in beads and furs helped define fashion for a generation.
And looking over his shoulder I could see that on the pavement opposite there stood an attractive young woman draped in a heavy fur coat.
There were about ten in the waiting room, some with eyepatches, some who looked totally healthy, including one middle-aged woman draped in jewels.
A few dozen women, draped in black, chatted and nibbled on date candy as they waited for the candidate to show.
Several women draped with ponchos and serapes appeared with wooden bowls filled with fruit.
A woman, draped in a long fur coat, fell into the arms of a man standing nearby.
Ne-Yo also invites his girlfriend to a photoshoot, but she ends up getting mad because the photos require him to have women draped over him.
I saw one Iranian woman draped in black driving a motorcycle.
Anxious women, draped in black head-to-foot chadors, or veils, sit in the sultry rooms fanning their sick children.
Then I noticed a small sketch in oils, on a panel, representing a woman, draped and blindfolded, carrying a lighted torch.