The cliché, much like the opposite male fantasy of having all women enslaved, represents the desire "not to be marginalized in one's own society".
Born a slave in Fauquier County, Virginia, Newby married a woman also enslaved.
Year after year, fortresses were attacked, farms and crops were put to the torch, women and children enslaved and men killed.
If I were being held prisoner, I would not help my captors find other women to enslave.
So the jihad resumes, all men of military age are to be killed and the women and children enslaved.
For every man or woman enslaved or tortured, a hundred might go about their business quietly, living, prospering, and dying of old age.
Both were "convict" slave girls, women convicted of crimes and enslaved as is the policy here in the 26th Century.
Enormous women, the Hyldnir, have enslaved the comparatively smaller men, the Vrykul.
This woman could enslave men without using the compulsion of a vampire.
A woman whom he called China White had enslaved the island's inhabitants and forced them to grow opium and manufacture heroin.