Back in the club proper, three women dressed in revealing black leather and fishnet stockings gyrated on the small stage.
Everyone followed them into the bar where the women gyrated to drum beats and it appeared that the nouvelle restraint was no more.
Nearby, a woman gyrates in a crow's nest below an extensive catwalk that encircles the club.
Drummers came onto the stage at the government guesthouse and pounded away as women in billowy robes gyrated around them.
Four other women, all wearing variations on leopard print, gyrated on stage, swinging their hair in wild circles.
The woman before him gyrated listlessly, and he tossed her a credit chit, hoping it might make her come alive.
When she looked up, the men were gone and the women gyrating with a wildly free, erotic frenzy.
A woman bangs a hammer on the floor, two women gyrate in feathery bikinis and a woman rolls over each naked man.
On it, a topless woman was gyrating her belly.
A woman in a silver lame dress gyrated her hips onstage beside him.