After the sun had been up awhile the woman rose and hobbled hesitantly over to one of the little campfires.
Just as, in an earlier age, women had been idealized and at the same time hobbled, so now, youth.
A woman who looked1 to be at least a hundred hobbled forward and offered her bare foot.
I would not, for twenty old women like the one hobbling before us, that Faith should come to any harm.
The woman is hobbling, urging the girl along with a hand in the small of her back.
The men and women eagerly hobbled a few steps, although it was impossible to tell if this represented anything more than the power of suggestion.
The woman whom I helped into the front seat of the car had hobbled out of the laundry room with a cane.
Just then an elderly woman hobbles into the cobblestone courtyard and makes for the door nearest ours.
An old woman, supporting herself with a staff, hobbled into the doorway.
The old woman hobbled around the verandah, consumed with fury and frustration.