A woman for essentials and some decoration, Theodora judged.
It turns out that both men and women can accurately judge the upper body strength of a man strictly by listening to his voice.
A superior woman, he judged once more, despite her humble genetic origins.
In walked a black- haired woman, a wizard, judging from the robes she wore.
And somebody's injured-probably a woman, to judge from the size other shoes.
There's also an assumption, based on no particular evidence, that women, far more than men, will judge a designer product as inferior if its price seems too low.
A man will judge a prospective wife on her domestic skills, while a woman will judge the man's earning potential.
Gustav realized that the woman was judging him now.
A sensible woman, able to tell a story clearly, not, so far as he could judge, an over-imaginative or a hysterical woman.
"It's not as if the angels use them after the women judge the men."