The Vietnamese woman lingered at the door a fraction of a moment too long for servility before exiting.
The woman with the long dark hair lingered along the edges of his mind.
The ill woman lingered, holding on to a parked car 'til she was done and could move on.
However, at the end of Letts' play, the man is dead and the woman lingers on.
The woman lingered only for a moment, then clubbed the boy alongside the head.
A thin woman in rags lingered around the minstrel's corner.
Germany is multicultural and young women do not linger in the past.
A few women lingered at the tables, chatting sociably, but the dancing had ended.
But the woman had lingered there by the desk, as though trying to summon up courage to ask something.
Nearby, another woman lingers, well enough to leave if she had a home but too sick to return to the streets.