Goudeau is seen applauding a video monitor following a segment featuring a woman masturbating.
The video for the latter was very controversial as it showed a woman masturbating on a bed for the whole length of the song.
A clay figurine of the 4th millennium BC from a temple site on the island of Malta, depicts a woman masturbating.
Looking at Ms. Rama's cartoonish version of a dog being sodomized, or a bright pink woman masturbating with a snake, it is not surprising to learn that her first exhibition, in Turin in 1945, was closed by the police.
This was press day, and it cannot be denied that a pack of journos wandering about with notebooks, solemnly standing in front of a photo of a woman masturbating in a lace bustier, is irresistibly comic.
The sight of this beautiful woman masturbating so blatantly was yet another sexual spur.