The third woman became pregnant but miscarried.
More than 12 pregnant women miscarried because of the blast, he added.
One woman, two months pregnant, miscarried after seeking refuge in a Red Cross shelter.
Dr. Evans had tried the bladder surgery only twice before; both times, the women miscarried shortly after the procedure.
All attempts are unsuccessful as the women immediately miscarry and hemorrhage to death.
The blast injured 28 people and killed one, although a pregnant woman miscarried days later.
It didn't keep anyone from getting pregnant, but both sheep and women, if they ate it early enough, miscarried with no trouble.
If a woman thinks she might be miscarrying or has miscarried, she should call her healthcare provider immediately.
That to Doris, it meant that the woman would miscarry.
Of these, 35 women miscarried, and five died in childbirth.