She was the first woman nominated for national office on a major party ticket.
Ms. Feinstein became the first woman nominated by a major party for governor of the largest state.
In 2005 she was among the 1,000 women nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
She has recently been one of a number of women nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Granholm was the first woman ever nominated by a major party to be Michigan governor.
She was the first Hispanic woman nominated to a United States cabinet position.
A group of six women nominated by the crowd were escorted into the king's apartment, where they told him of the crowd's privations.
In 1984, Geraldine A. Ferraro became the first woman nominated for national office by a major party.
She had accolades from around the world, and was the first woman nominated for the Nobel Prize in computer science.
Mrs. Clinton would be the first woman nominated by a major party.