Practical tips on how women can obtain the best medical treatment.
Now, instead of an illegal procedure that might cost $500, any woman could easily obtain an abortion, often for less than $100.
District officials have told Congress they would use that money to help poor women obtain abortions regardless of the reason.
The woman asked for and obtained permission to leave from her superiors.
In 1923 French women obtained the right to - wait for it - open their own mail.
Raised in a wealthy family, she received the best education a woman could obtain at the time.
As you read, keep in mind the role of money and the way women had traditionally obtained it.
According to the lawsuit, the woman obtained hospital treatment after the alleged attack.
In the first seven years that the practice was legal, almost 100,000 women sought and obtained sterilizations.
In 1919 women also obtained the right to vote.