A soldier who was faithful could expect the best of everything, from clothes and cash to women of his choice.
She had asked that God guide Ted to the woman of his choice.
The two team up and teach each other how to woo the women of their choice.
A brass check was the token purchased by a customer in a brothel and given to the woman of his choice.
After a concert, each singer pins his carnation on the woman of his choice.
Let the King believe that he lies with the woman of his choice and enjoys her favors for a night.
Pretending that she supported this woman of her own choice was enough to make her want to bite something.
While a man could live in concubinage with any woman of his choice rather than marrying her, he was compelled to give notice to authorities.
Out there to dream of rolling in the straw with a young woman of your choice?
A man wore the bracelet only to give it to the woman of his choice.