If that selfish woman persisted in breaking up the family, who knows what's going to happen?
If this irrational woman persisted in making a scene, very well: a scene she should have.
Several other of the newspeople were now on their feet; but the woman in the front row persisted.
"But I wonder if you really know what that means in terms of the immediate present," the woman persisted.
The woman persisted, pulling her clothes off the rack.
When the woman persisted and started into the garden, Hales's father had to call the family dog to induce her to leave.
The women persisted, and when they discovered the king spying on them, literally tore him to bits.
Purcell, a 5-foot-9, 250-pound French horn player and music major who had never played a sport before, said no, but the women persisted.
If this rather thick woman persists in her questioning, you might say: "I never answer questions about the personal lives of my close friends.
The woman persisted: "But can't you just - get it?"