Although both women and men practiced prostitution, the evidence for female prostitutes is more ample.
Knitting, however, was a skill the women had practiced for generations, having learned it from early missionaries.
The rest of the day was fairly quiet and included a training session in which the women practiced rappelling down cliffs above the ocean.
The young woman practiced her next line silently once, then said aloud, "I want to meet you.
She became an attorney in the 1940s, a time when very few women practiced law.
It was played primarily by men but women also practiced it.
And not only the Tor- woman practiced it, for the boy had winked out in just the same way.
Another is that the women, though well instructed, may not have practiced self-examination with sufficient diligence.
The old woman sat and practiced her yoga for a long time-how long, she didn't know.
"The religious women and men in the schools were practicing evangelical poverty," said Msgr.