A woman was reclining upon the lounge, in the middle of.
The drawing had been of a woman reclining with her legs crossed.
In the dim light, Ayla could just make out a woman reclining on it.
A woman reclining on a sofa turns into a were-panther.
Was the half-naked woman reclining on a sofa someone's fantasy?
"Boys are much easier," said a heavily made-up woman reclining on the floor.
A beautiful woman was reclining on the bed, her back braced by several embroidered pillows.
By the late Republic, if not earlier, women dined, reclined, and drank wine along with men.
The older woman, reclining stiffly, submitted to this in silence, eyes closed as if asleep.
Taken at a professional studio, it shows a handsome woman reclining in a lily-white dress.