The woman tied on an apron and got right to work.
It occurred to me that the history of civilization could be told by the way women tied their scarves.
The woman chuckled and tied her feet together while she sat there, stunned.
It felt good when the woman tied the laces tight.
He tells her that a woman both protects and ties a man down.
When a bargain was struck, the woman would return home and tie the cloth around her own child's arm.
The mill had its health and safety issues, there was a reason why the women tied their hair back with scarves.
"I would be somebody out in the world, not a woman tied to her home with children, a woman waiting to die."
The women wore their hair long, often with traditional bear grease, or tied back into a single braid.
She was unable to help her curiosity as the women tied the chosen one down.