The young women still tittered about the old chief's hump.
The woman sitting at the guy's table tittered a bit, covering her mouth.
Roars went up again, all about the mead hall, and more than a few women at the back of the room tittered and nodded hopefully.
The woman brought her hands up to her mouth and tittered.
Somewhere in the background a woman tittered hysterically.
Three young women in the seat behind me were tittering.
The women titter vacuously at the beauty parlor and luncheon meetings of "the league."
The women at his side and a couple of the young men in his group tittered as if something humorous had been said.
The men who heard him guffawed; the women tittered and pretended they had no idea what he was talking about.
Many in the crowd gasped, women tittered, and Meralda thought again that her union with the man might not be such a bad thing.