The women walked slowly and carefully out of a doorway as if venturing forth to explore unknown space.
In fact, women ventured into all kinds of spheres.
However, both women ventured into new areas and produced new characters.
No one said anything for a time, then a woman at the front ventured, "Sir, who is the assassin?"
Dressed as he was, no woman in the world would have ventured to speak to him except here in a supermarket.
Finally, the lone young woman ventured in a frustrated voice, "I don't think it's anybody in particular."
The woman ventured a question: Why hadn't Mike, who said he was 45, ever married?
On another afternoon, a woman ventured over to the set and offered the crew a bottle of wine.
The hours dripped on, but no man or woman ventured inside.
Even in fireside stories, no woman had ever ventured this that she was venturing.