Originally the upper arches opened onto rooms where women worshipped; the men worshipped down below.
The women of Hierro worshipped a goddess called Moneiba.
Yet that high-spirited, intelligent woman, Isabel Amberson, actually sits and worships him!
Bathukamma festival is very famous here and celebrated by the women worshiping the goddess for nine days with various flowers.
The goddess Santoshi now became a famous goddess, and women all over India worshipped her.
After the ban was lifted, nearly 3,000 women have worshipped at the temple.
Mr President, can anyone justify an attack on a church where women, men and children are worshipping?
No man who loved a woman, honoured her, worshipped her, could have been more scrupulously careful as to leaving her free.
And in fact, the women were worshiping on a plateau 50 yards away, uphill from where the police were standing.
It measured 56 by 80 feet and according to the Dutch custom, men and women worshiped sitting separately.